We are a small partnership of long-time, like-minded Boerboel pet owners and show devotees, who have pooled our resources to help contribute to the preservation of the Boerboel breed through a very special program. We are all passionate pet owners, but the idea for forming a cooperative arose out of our concerns for the future of this magnificent breed, and the idea that combining small groups of resources could collectively support bigger, long-term, sustainable outcomes for the Boerboel. By combining our respective resources and a small groups of pets, we have established a program defined by the highest standards of temperament, confirmation, health, and overall quality.

Breed ambassadorship, education, and showing still comprise the majority of our efforts with Boerboels. But occasionally someone in our program produces a litter to ensure we advance the breed and replace older dogs. Because of our approach, deep personal investments, and profound love for the dogs, when there are puppies, we look for excellent forever families. As a part of this program, occasionally puppies are available with a co-ownership option to ensure ongoing access to the best genetics in the future. We seek to engage and grow with other Boerboel owners to continue our mission by increasing our resources and knowledge.


Please peruse our website to learn more about our program, philosophy, and approaches to holistic ownership, which serve as the guiding forces in our efforts. Our program name, Paragon, is a pithy way to encapsulate all our goals in a single word. A “paragon” is a model of excellence or perfection. While there is no such thing as a perfect dog, a good program is always striving towards achieving that goal. Albeit unattainable, working towards the highest ideals is the best approach to maintain and advance the attributes of a breed.

However, ideals must be tempered by an objective reference point, and not rooted in a breeder’s personal preferences and prejudices. We reference the breed standard, especially the cultural standard of the Boerboel from the SABBS registry, and strive to maintain the historical qualities of stable temperament, functionality, and Boerboel type that collectively define this unique, landrace. In particular, we feel our program distinguishes itself with its emphasis on transparent health testing and improving the health of the breed.

Our dogs share our lives with us, many in a farm setting under conditions similar to the original working environment of the breed. We care deeply for our dogs and every one has been chosen for optimal health, to best represent the breed, and to be a loving part of our families. Our hope is that any dogs we produce will bless his or her new family in the same way the dogs have blessed us.