General Update - June 2023

what’s going on?

Our friend is an excellent visual artist who designs software for a living. So we were surprised when we saw his portfolio and it was really quite bad. When we asked him how that was possible, given how good he really is, he responded that if the portfolio looked too good, people would think he was not working and in demand! We only half jokingly say that such is the case with our program and maintaining this website.

Anyone who is breeding dogs, with or without success, is guaranteed to be a person without extra time. But when you have put in the extra investment to create and attain unique and special achievements, you can be sure that there are horror stories of sacrifice propping it all up. We have simply been too busy with the dogs, and our personal and professional lives, to keep up with our website. However this post serves as a sort of shorthand update and foreshadowing of things to imminently come… and hopefully it shows that the product is in demand despite the portfolio falling short…

new web site

We hope to have a new version of our website up and running later this year. Since we live on a farm, these kind of things typically don’t get traction until daylight savings time disallows us to work outside late into the evening. Stay tuned on this front.


We have been in the process of writing a book or several books for different audiences about Boerboels. Education, documentation, training, and so much more for this breed is sorely missing in the marketplace. Realistically, it may be a while before these projects see publication. But we do hope to solicit participation and content from various expert sources, and this mention is a lightweight first call for submissions.


We have established the first generation of Paragon dogs. The second generation is underway with a number of planned breedings within our network and partnerships. We hope to see the fruits of these breedings later in 2023. Any pregnancy or litter confirmations will be announced here on the website. Unfortunately, this also means that the most woefully out-of-date section of the website is probably the dogs themselves. All the dogs whose pages are still up are or were foundational in our breeding program and it will still be relevant to see them. Updates with the latest generation of breeding dogs are pending contingent on pregnancy confirmations.


We have some extremely exciting results with shows and appraisals in SABBS and AKC. The aforementioned first generation of Paragon dogs are reaching an age of maturity that allows them to compete seriously in shows and appraisals, although they are still young, and especially the males are only likely to improve for the next year or two. The recognition they are receiving in the professional arena is a testament to the breeding program we have architected, based on old working pedigrees, health testing, proven working traits, excellent nutrition, and proper socialization and training. It’s tempting to share more details here now, but we want to put together a series of proper posts with photos soon.


We have a few other projects in development, related to special events, breeding mentorship, and education. But more on those topics in time.


More to come soon (we hope). Thank you for your interest and patience.